The Broadway corridor is home to twelve historic theatres within nine blocks. This area was once considered the "retail capital of the United States" and now carries over one million square feet of vacant commercial space. With this area located in the heart of historic downtown, politicians say this current use of space is inefficient and does not serve the needs or fulfil the utility of corridor area or its residents and patrons. This project is a ten-year public-private partnership launced in January of 2008 which aims to:
- Revitalize the historic Broadway district between 2nd Street and Olympic Boulevard
- Activate inactive theaters
- Re-active more than a million square feet of vacant commercial space
- Assist retailers and prevent further retail vacancies
- Increase parking and transit options to serve Broadway
- Encourage cultural, entertainment and retail uses on Broadway that will sustain generations
- Create a sense of place and history through urban planning, design and lighting guidelines and streetscapes
- And make the dream of riding a streetcar downtown by 2014 a reality.
Bringing Back Broadway has been receiving much support, attention, and success from local politicians and community members as the project progresses into its second year. However, much still needs to be done in downtown LA before the project can take flight. The initiative calls for a complete streetscape and infrastructure rennovation, more parking, and permanent street closure on Broadway to make way for the planned streetcar. In a way, this project is turning a piece of downtown into The Grove. There will be much traffic and construction in the years to come in order to make this project successful, but I look forward to the day when I can walk safely in downtown Los Angeles and decide whether or not I want to see The Drowsy Chaperone, Jersey Boys, Wicked, Rent, or any of nine Broadway shows here in Southern California's own Great White Way. This entertainment and arts district is long overdue and will be much loved once it is a reality.